together, we can do more.
have you ever received a service for which you felt you overpaid? (or underpaid?) every business owner and skilled professional sets their fees and price points at whatever value they feel is fair, taking into account all of the time, effort, supplies, and skills necessary to provide the service or product. still, sometimes we are unimpressed (or blown away by) what we receive and how those services or items didn’t quite meet (or far exceeded) our expectations. money is not my motivating factor for the work that i am putting out into the world. i aim to always keep my fees as flexible as possible, so that i can provide support to whoever needs it, regardless of financial ability—someone’s bank account should never determine the support they can access or receive. i’m hopeful that my work will be valuable not only to the individuals i support, but also to the community at large. if it’s within your means and you feel compelled to do so, your donations will fill in the gaps created when some weren’t able to pay as much as others, or when i offered my services as donation-only. thank you.
PAYPAL/ZELLE: b.veselsky@gmail.com
for those not on instagram, i hope this section can give you a glimpse into what i find inspiring, beautiful, and important. the internet can be an overwhelming place and, oftentimes, it’s hard to know how to find exactly what we’re looking for, exactly when we need it. these words, works of art, photos, and facts will always be here for visitors to lean on for additional support, clarity, inspiration, understanding, and an overall sense that we’re all in this together.